

根据家庭教育权利和隐私法案(通常简称FERPA), 或者“巴克利修正案”,为保护教育档案的私隐,联立大学已采取以下政策及程序. 每年都会通过联合山目录和大学网站上的出版物通知学生他们的FERPA权利.

  1. 定义

    Mount Union uses the following definitions in this policy:

    Student: any person who attends or has attended the University.

    Education records: any record in whatever form (handwritten, 录音, 打印, 电影或其他媒介),由大学维护,并与学生直接相关, 但以下情况除外:

    1. 由大学教职员保存的个人记录,但该等记录不得透露给他人,并由该教职员自行保管;
    2. 学生的雇佣记录只与该学生以雇员身份有关;
    3. 与教育档案分开保存的档案,仅供同一管辖范围内的执法机关使用;
    4. counseling records maintained by the University Chaplain or the University Counselor;
    5. medical records maintained by the University solely for treatment and made available only to those persons providing treatment; and
    6. 威尼斯人app下载活动办公室记录.
  2. FERPA规定的权利

    学生有这个权利, and parents of a dependent student may have the right, 要做到以下几点:

    1. Inspect and review the student's education records;
    2. 要求修改学生的教育记录,以确保记录不准确, 误导, or otherwise in violation of a student's privacy or other rights;
    3. 同意披露学生教育记录中包含的个人身份信息, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent;
    4. 向美国商务部提出申诉.S. Department of Education concerning the failure of the University to comply with the requirements of FERPA; and
    5. Obtain a copy of the University's student records policy from the Office of the Registrar.
  3. Procedure to Inspect Education Records

    学生可以检查和审查他们的教育记录,要求适当的记录保管人。. 学生必须提交一份书面请求,尽可能准确地确定学生希望检查的记录.

    Access will be provided within 45 days of the written request. 教育记录中包含的信息将由指定的大学工作人员向学生充分解释和解释, 并由, 合适的办公室.

    Student records are maintained in the following offices:

    1. admissions and academic records in the Office of the Registrar;
    2. financial aid records in the Office of Student Financial Services;
    3. financial records in the Office of Business Affairs;
    4. progress and advising records in the departmental offices and faculty offices;
    5. disability-related records in Office of Student Accessibility Services;
    6. counseling records in the Office of the Chaplain and Counseling Services;
    7. academic dishonesty records in the 教务处;
    8. disciplinary and student conduct records in the Office of Student Affairs.
  4. Right of the University to Refuse Access


    1. the financial statement of the student's parents;
    2. letters of recommendation for which the student has waived his or her right of access;
    3. records of applicants who were neither admitted to nor attended Mount Union;
    4. records containing information about more than one student, in which case the University will permit access only to that part of the record which pertains to the inquiring student; and
    5. records which are excluded from the FERPA definition of educational records.
  5. Right to Challenge Information in Records

    如果学生认为教育记录中的信息不准确,他们有权对其内容提出质疑, 误导, 或不适当的. 这包括修改记录或在记录中插入学生的书面解释的机会. The student may not initiate a FERPA challenge of a grade awarded unless it was inaccurately recorded; in such cases the correct grade will be recorded.

  6. Procedures for Hearings to Challenge Records

    Students wishing to challenge the content of their education records must submit, 写信给有关部门, 要求举行聆讯,其中包括有关的具体资料和提出质疑的理由.

    听证会将由一名与听证会结果没有直接关系的大学官员主持. 学生将获得充分和公平的机会来提供与挑战原因相关的证据. The hearing officer will render a decision 以书面形式, 在合理的时间内, noting the reason and summarizing all evidence presented.

    If the hearing results are in favor of the student, the record shall be amended. 这个请求应该被拒绝吗, 可提出上诉, 以书面形式, 并在聆讯主任通知学生后的10天内提交教务处. 上诉应由三名公正的大学高级官员组成的上诉委员会审理. The board will render a decision, 以书面形式, 在合理的时间内.

    Should the appeal decision be in favor of the student, the record shall be amended accordingly. 上诉应该被驳回吗, 学生可以选择在记录中发表声明,评论记录中信息的准确性和/或提出任何不准确的依据. As long as the student's record is maintained by the University, when disclosed to an authorized party, the record will always include the student's statement and the board's decision.

  7. 公开教育纪录

    只有在学生书面同意的情况下,学校才会披露学生教育记录中包含的“非目录”信息, 但以下情况除外:

    1. 对记录有合法教育利益的学校官员,包括教师;
    2. to officials of another school in which the student seeks or intends to enroll;
    3. to federal, state and local agencies and authorities as provided under law;
    4. 如符合资格的学生被申索为受养人,则发给其家长;
    5. 认证机构;
    6. to comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena;
    7. emergencies affecting the health or safety of the student or other persons; and
    8. FERPA另有许可的.
    9. Any student who wishes to authorize release of his or her grades to one or both parents should
    10. complete a disclosure form in the Office of the Registrar.
  8. 目录信息

    Disclosure of directory information normally may be made without the student's consent. 目录 information includes the student's name; school and permanent addresses; school, permanent and cellular telephone numbers; school mail box address; school 电子邮件 address; date and place of birth; majors and minors; dates of attendance; enrollment status; class level; degree(s) received and dates of conferral; honors and awards earned; previous institutions attended; weight and height of athletes; participation in officially recognized activities and sports; and photograph.

    希望保留所有目录信息的学生必须向注册主任办公室提交“保留目录信息授权”表格. 从下一学期(秋季或春季)开学第一天起生效。. 一旦提起, 此请求将成为学生记录的永久部分,直到学生以书面形式指示注册办公室删除该请求. 因为大学的计算机系统无法对选择性目录信息设置“保留”, all directory information will be placed on hold, or all directory information except name and 电子邮件 address will be placed on hold. 此外, 此要求并不限制上述“教育记录披露”中列出的个人和机构发布此信息.