

The Mount Union大学’s 运动科学 Program is housed in the McPherson Academic and Athletic Complex (MAAC), 哪一家配备了现代化的实验室设备. Students will be exposed to state-of-the-art equipment in both classroom and laboratory settings, 除了当他们是  conducting research independently or alongside Mount Union faculty. Exercise science majors benefit from the following equipment.

Electrocardiogram (ECG), Heart Rate Monitors and Sphygmomanometers

These essential pieces of equipment allow functions of the cardiovascular system such as heart rate and rhythm to be monitored. 例如, 在exs210:运动生理学实习, exercise science majors first assess heart rate and blood pressure during submaximal and maximal aerobic exercise. 需要手工技能和口译. Higher-level classes within the exercise science curriculum also make use of these ubiquitous pieces of equipment.


Being able to carefully measure the intensity of aerobic (endurance) and anaerobic (power) exercise require specialized pieces of exercise equipment. 这些不是健身房的简单设备. 校准的功/功率输出(e.g. Watts) is necessary when making classroom, clinical, or research measures. Courses such as EXS 320: Exercise Testing and Prescription and EXS 310: Advanced Exercise Physiology make regular use of these devices to explore client status and known physiological phenomena.


代谢车, which assesses oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production, is a backbone piece of equipment used in exercise physiology and nutrition labs. It can provide calorie (kcal) expenditure and even the fuel mix of fats and carbohydrates used during rest or exercise. Starting 在exs210:运动生理学实习 and progressing through other courses in the curriculum, exercise science majors use the metabolic carts to address many issues. In research-based courses such as EXS 260: Scholarship in Exercise, EXS 470: Senior Research Thesis and EXS 481: Faculty Research Assistant, the effects of training and nutrition interventions can be studied. 咖啡因、咖啡和能量饮料是当前的主题. 该实验室还有第二个更便携的系统.


Strength and conditioning classes and student-faculty research call for deep analysis of resistance exercise movements. BMS设备可以进行功率评估, 杆速度, 力的发展速度, 在其他变量中. 通过BMS, exercise science majors witness phenomena like the stretch reflex, 神经系统增强, preload and the effects of nutrients on muscular performance.


The measurement of electrical activity during muscle contraction can be measured by the lab’s EMG device. Courses like EXS 310: Advanced Exercise Physiology and student research projects use the EMG to observe known biological facts and the impact of training or nutrient interventions such as speed/ power exercise or coffee ingestion prior to lifts.


Students who conduct research with faculty can explore underlying mechanisms behind what they see in lower-level courses. Simple blood variables can offer insight into cardiovascular risks, 组织恢复, 碳水化合物代谢, 还有很多其他的兴趣. 


Air Displacement Plethysmography (BodPod®) is the most widely-used device to measure body composition (fat and fat free mass) in individuals and athletes. The ability to accurately measure body composition provides important information for individuals and assists the exercise physiologist in determining if exercise and/or nutrition programming is effective in manipulating body composition. This device uses air displacement to determine body volume and density so that calculations of fat and fat free mass can be made.

Bioelectrical Impedance (BIA) is another technique used to assess body composition and total body water. This device uses electrical current conductance delivered to the body and measures the resistance to that current. The greater the resistance, the higher the body fat and/or total body water and vice versa. 骨骼肌主要由水组成, 所以肌肉越多, 因此,体内水分越多, 对电流的阻力越小.

The MAAC also features a two-story recreation and fitness center, 场的房子, 游泳馆, 辅助体育馆, 摔跤中心, 室内田径场和网球场, 以及克莱运动科学中心, 运动训练设施, 教室, 实验室, 办公空间, 还有一个专门招收学生的区域.

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