


用音乐学士(B)激发未来.M)在Mount Union获得音乐教育学位.  Our major and licensure program prepares you to work 与 children from grades K-12. 作为一个音乐教育专业的学生, 你将学习历史, 理论, 基本的音乐才能, 以及该领域的实用技能. You will also have the chance to create music by choosing from many musical ensembles and groups to join.  


Our CAEP-accredited music education major program gives you many opportunities to perfect the craft of musical teaching including classroom preparation and field experiences at nearby schools. 作为一名新兴教育工作者, 你将编写原创音乐计划, 创造一个温馨的教室环境, 并与年轻一代分享你对音乐的热情. 

音乐 educators play a vital role in today’s schools, providing 学生 skills that last a lifetime – discipline, teamwork and creativity. 然而,音乐教育比这重要得多. 根据全国音乐教育协会, studies show that 学生 who participate in school music programs tend to score higher on standardized tests, 更有可能留在学校毕业吗, are more likely to stay away from drugs and alcohol and experience higher earnings in their professional life. 想象一下你对这些未来学生的影响. 


The Mount Union大学 Bachelor of 音乐 in music education degree allows you to also explore areas of study outside of your field of interest. 这, 以及必要的领导和沟通技巧, 会直接影响你未来的就业吗. 

  • 97.5-103 音乐教育课程的学分 
  • 32 全面的综合核心课程的学分 
  • 学生展示给学生机会 to perform in front of an audience filled 与 faculty members, 学生, 以及联合山社区的其他成员. 
  • 加入 more than 15 表演 groups including the Alliance Symphony Orchestra, 行进乐队, 爵士乐队, 五个唱诗班, 剧目的字符串, 还有更多. 


视觉和表演艺术奖学金 are available to 学生 who demonstrate exceptional talent in art, 媒体, 音乐或戏剧. Scholarship amounts are based on an audition or portfolio review and interested 学生 should schedule an audition and/or portfolio review or contact the 表演艺术系 或者是 视觉艺术与媒体系. 


The faculty at the Mount Union大学 are dedicated instructors who foster student growth through caring and collaborative one-on-one relationships.  The supportive family-like atmosphere nurtures 学生 and allows them to find where they belong. 就是这样的关系, combined 与 in-class curriculum and excellent experiential learning opportunities, that prepare our graduates to make an impact on their world post-graduation. 

  • 课程


    作为一名Mount Union大学音乐专业的学生, 你将学习历史, 理论, 基本的音乐素养和音乐实践技能. 当你追求你的学士学位'音乐教育学士学位, will have the opportunity to choose from a wide variety of music courses as well as participate in a variety of music performing groups. 除了, you will be required to take education courses that will provide you 与 the foundations of the teaching profession. 

    检查 本科目录 威尼斯人app下载. 

  • 学习目标


    • Demonstrate the ability to select the best methods and materials for meeting the objectives of the learning experience. 
    • Acquire the ability to compose and/or improvise at a basic level in one or more musical languages. 
    • 营造有利的学习环境. 
    • 了解不同的文化, develop curiosity about American society and about other societies and art, 并获得放置音乐的能力, 包括世界上各种文化的音乐, 超出专业领域的技能, 和他们自己时代的音乐, 在历史, 文化, 以及文体语境. 
    • Understand the common elements and organizational patterns of music and their interaction, 以及用声音表达这种理解的能力, 口头, 以及视觉分析. 
    • Have a working knowledge of appropriate historical and stylistic 表演 practices. 
    • Work independently and cooperatively on various musical problems by combining their capabilities in 表演; aural, 口头, 以及视觉分析; composition and improvisation; and history and repertoire. 
    • 展示键盘技能. 
    • Understand the basic interrelationships and interdependencies among the various professions and activities that constitute the musical enterprise. 
    • Grow knowledge and skills sufficient to work as leaders and in collaboration on matters of musical interpretation, including rehearsal and conducting skills as appropriate to the particular music specialization and degree program. 
    • Write and carry out lesson plans that clearly articulate the purpose and objective of each lesson. 
    • 发展技能,成为音乐艺术的终身学习者, 无论是作为参与者还是作为观众. 
    • 对音乐形式有足够的理解, 流程, 以及将这些知识运用到作文中的结构, 表演, 学术, 教学, 以及历史背景, 根据他们的专业和学位课程. 
    • 形成并捍卫对音乐的价值判断. 
    • 获得二级性能领域的经验. 
    • Learn and use technical skills requisite for artistic self-expression in at least one primary 表演 area at a level appropriate f或者是 particular music specialization and degree program, including an overview understanding of the repertoire in the primary 表演 area, 一种从该曲目的横截面上进行表演的能力, 流利的阅读能力, and the ability to perform in a variety of solo and ensemble settings. 
    • Acquire a basic overview understanding of how technology serves music and a working knowledge of technological developments applicable to their specialization and degree program. 
  • 从实践经验中学习


    如果你选择在威尼斯人app下载主修音乐教育, you will have ample opportunities to observe and teach in the classroom 与in a variety of educational settings. 也, getting involved in extracurricular opportunities and student organizations will better prepare you for education. 你是否想成为一名教师, 管理员或教授, Mount Union will put you on the fast track to find a rewarding career, 具备所有必要的技能, 知识与经验. 

  • 职业生涯



