


It never feels like you don't have someone to pick you up if you fall, no matter who you are or where you're from.






I have always lived relatively close to Mount Union, and every time I happened to find myself on campus it just felt right. In addition, I wanted to go to a school with smaller class sizes. The Mount Union community is amazing. Your professors always know your name, and your classes are filled with like-minded people who are engaged and care about those around them.


I have always loved 英语 and writing, but I did not know that I wanted to pursue them until I had already started college. They say if you are doing what you love you will never work a day in your life, and that is exactly how it feels for me being an 英语写作专业. I couldn't imagine myself doing anything else. 在我到目前为止的这段时间里, I have been able to work as a consultant in our writing center (the Digital, 写, and Oral Communication Studio). Working here has helped me meet a lot of really interesting people that I may not have gotten the opportunity to meet otherwise. It is also a really great experience to be able to refine my own oral and written communication skills!


My dream job is to be an author, but I will likely pursue a career in the non-profit sector. This would entail strong communication skills, which is a large focus of the Integrative Core and WOC Portfolio. The Integrative Core is extremely important. Not only have I learned a lot of valuable writing tools from Mount Union, but I have also gained a significant amount of confidence in my work. Having a versatile education focused on worldview and ethics, along with problem-solving and science, make students at Mount Union much more well-rounded and prepared for professional and personal life after college.



相信自己的直觉! If you want to pursue a major, pursue it! Don't go somewhere you don't want to go, doing something you don't want to do. Doing something fulfilling is the best thing you can do for yourself.

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