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Wayne Mazilla Diversity Internship Program

Wayne Manzilla Diversity Internship Program

威尼斯人app下载提供韦恩·曼齐拉多元化实习项目, 这是该机构30多年来的主要活动,89届Mount Union校长格雷格·金也是威尼斯人app下载之一.


In Wayne Manzilla's honor, and in order to diversify the staff at the University, 我们寻求雇用最近的少数族裔或第一代UMU毕业生,并帮助他们完成高级学位, 这将使他们能够在大学担任全职职位.

Please view the available positions and process below

Additional Information

  • 过程

    Wayne Manzilla Diversity Internship Program 过程

    Mount Union旨在培养学生的学术卓越,并通过在校园的各种学术和行政领域为其代表性不足的学生提供榜样来支持他们的努力. 为了让学校的员工更加多元化, 我们寻求雇用最近少数族裔和代表性不足的毕业生,并帮助他们完成高级学位,使他们能够在大学担任全职职位.

    To achieve this goal, 学校将努力维持三名毕业生兼职工作. 预计实习生每年的总工作时间为1,440小时. 在学术学期中,每周可以安排大约20个小时, 在夏季的几个月里,16周40小时的全日制课程.

    • Employment will ideally begin in June following selection, 研究生工作将不迟于入选后的1月开始. Timing of the six weeks of full-time employment, as mentioned above, is negotiated between the intern and the supervisor, 并将安排通知韦恩·曼齐拉多元化实习项目主任.
    • 实习生必须在当地认可的大学就读研究生课程,这将允许他们完成硕士学位或博士课程,为他们在大学的全职工作做准备. 如果实习生在完成研究生或Manzilla项目之前离开, the tuition support received will be treated as a loan, and the intern will be expected to repay the University*.
    • Compensations include a competitive salary, housing with utilities, a meal plan, and part-time staff benefits.
    • 实习生在攻读研究生课程的同时,也要保持在Mount Union的知名度.
    • 我们将尽一切努力为成功完成学位的实习生提供与实习相关领域的全职工作. Should such a position be offered, 实习生将在该职位上工作三年. If the intern chooses not to accept the position offered, the tuition support received will be treated as a loan, and the intern will be expected to repay the University*. If a full-time position cannot be offered, 实习生将不再对学校承担任何义务.
    • The supervisor will be responsible for training the intern, evaluating work progress, and reporting to the director of the program.
    • 实习生将被要求在每学期结束时分享研究生工作的进度报告.

  • 标准

    Proposed criteria will include but not limited to:

    • Students who are ethnically diverse
    • First-generation college students
    • Individuals with disabilities
    • Individuals with veteran status
    • Students from a socioeconomically disadvantaged background
    • 平均成绩达到研究生院录取标准的学生
    • 已经或即将被附近或在线认证机构接受研究生课程的个人
    • 与提供的兼职职位相匹配的学生

  • Administrative Procedures


    • 9月或10月将进行部门鉴定.
    • 申请表格将于11月开始在网上提供.
    • The application deadline is late March.
    • At the end of each academic year, 实习生所在地区的副校长将负责向协调员和行政委员会提交一份报告,评估实习生一年的工作和该职位对大学的优势. 副校长的报告和实习生的报告将为项目的调整和个人参与者在项目中的位置的潜在修改提供依据.
  • Application Procedure


    • Completed application forms 所要求的材料将提交给多元化和包容性办公室.
    • Once applications are received, 项目委员会和实习生导师将召开会议审核申请.
    • When the interviews are completed, reviewer comments will be collected, 委员会将开会就人选问题向总统提出建议.
    • 韦恩·曼齐拉多元化实习项目主任将在做出决定后立即通知学生.