Dr. 斯科特·梅森,生物化学,预健康
Dr. 斯科特·梅森,生物化学,预健康

Dr. 斯科特•梅森

Professor and Chair, 化学 and 生物化学 and Program Director for Pre-Health Program

Bracy has been a blessing to all of the science programs. To have a state-of-the-art building that also looks so nice is just amazing.


B.S., 化学, Mount Union大学 (formerly Mount Union College)
Ph.D., Inorganic 化学, University of South Carolina


I was always interested in science and math. I also have teaching in my blood (literally) with both of my parents being teachers, 还有我的祖母, 叔叔, 姑母和表姐都从事这个行业. 我命中注定要教书! So, being a college chemistry teacher allows me to combine these two areas.


I was named the 2012 Great Teacher at Mount Union. It was amazing to be thought of in this manner. 对我来说, there was no greater honor than to win the same award that my undergraduate academic advisor and mentor, 杜鲁门·特奎斯特教授, 40年前赢得的. In many ways, he has been my role model for all that an educator should be.


I want to have my students develop their problem solving abilities. This means not just teaching them how to solve one particular problem, but rather how to go about solving problems in general. I try to use technology whenever possible to enhance my teaching and expand what I am able to do. I will also use demonstrations to enhance what I am covering in the classroom.


几年前, the Department of 化学 and 生物化学 realized that our incoming students were a bimodal lot. That is when we developed a general chemistry curriculum, which has an optional first semester course usually taken by those students who are not as well prepared and a mandatory second course. We have found that this method hits both groups of our students. It has been very successful in challenging our students from day one.


这个很简单. My favorite part of my job is working closely with students. Nothing is more satisfying than to see a young man or woman begin to realize their potential.


简单的问题——布雷西·霍尔! Bracy has been a blessing to all of the science programs. To have a state-of-the-art building that also looks so nice is just amazing. It (almost) makes the years in old Wilson Hall worth it. The setting of Bracy is also outstanding.


Many comment that it’s the sense of family that makes Mount Union unique. I have to say that this is really true, that the Mount Union community is more of a family than most other places. There is a real sense of working together for the common good of the University here. 就像一家人一样, 并非所有人都同意, but we all do have the goal of making Mount Union the best place it can be.


Our students are ready to impact the world. 他们沟通很好, 能解决问题, compete well and have been exposed to a variety of new things in their four years at Mount Union. They also retain many of their family values with which they arrived on our campus.