Dr. 谢丽尔梅森
Dr. 谢丽尔梅森

Dr. 谢丽尔梅森

Associate Professor, Department of 生物化学, 化学 and Physics

在芒特,我们真的是一家人. 与学生建立关系是我们的工作! We do our best to support our students and provide them with information, 资源, 机会, 和建议, then celebrate with them when they attain goals and take next steps.


B.S. 联合山学院化学系
Ph.D. Biomedical Sciences (Pharmacology/生物化学), University of South Carolina School of Medicine




I love science and I especially appreciate the chemistry of the human body! I enjoy sharing my knowledge of chemistry and challenging myself to find better ways to explain its concepts, 许多学生觉得难以掌握的概念. I also enjoy learning new applications of chemistry to incorporate into my teaching, 帮助大家分享化学在我们生活中的重要性. I grew up in a family that values education (and I married into another!). 我妈妈是一名高中数学老师, 我的祖父和曾祖母都是教师, and several others in my family were educators or administrators. 我追随他们的脚步并不奇怪. 我喜欢整理信息的机会, 分享知识, 提供工具, 教的技能, and support and encourage our younger generations to learn chemistry (and other skills). I appreciate being part of a team of educators with these common goals.


我的研究兴趣是化学教育领域. I have developed many active learning assignments and projects to use in my classroom. Through student assessments I can determine the benefits to student understanding, 解决问题的能力和对特定内容的参与. One of my larger projects includes taking my undergraduate students into local elementary school classrooms to teach the younger children some basic chemistry principles and show them a fun side of chemistry. I also study the impact that project has on the elementary and college students' perception of science (chemistry) and its importance in the real world. 

In my CHE 115 lab course (organic and biochemistry for nursing), I take our first year nursing students to elementary school classrooms to perform chemistry demonstrations for the kids. My students must explain the chemistry behind them and also describe a real world application of the chemistry to medicine or the healthy human body, 都是在儿童友好的层面上. This is a challenging project for my undergraduates - the planning, 研究, and preparation spans several weeks through the semester - but it clearly benefits them and the younger children too, 每个人都在期末项目中玩得很开心! The role of science/chemistry at the heart of our lives is showcased, 我的学生发现教学帮助他们学习, 我认为这是一个三赢的项目!


我最喜欢的事情是更好地了解我的学生, 不仅仅是化学专业的学生, 而是作为有独特个性的年轻人, 利益, 和能力. Although I hold them accountable for the chemistry being taught, 我也把我的个性带入我的课堂和实验室. I share a bit about myself and hope they will share a bit about themselves. 有时候他们教我的和我教他们的一样多! 我丈夫和我有四个孩子, and at least one has been near college age during my full-time career at Mount, 所以我很了解他们的担忧和需求. I hope they see me as another person that wants to help them on their journey through college and life. I also enjoy interacting with my students outside the classroom and supporting them in their extracurricular activities. I care about them and want the best for them, just as if they were my own. Many of the connections that began in a chemistry classroom or lab have developed into relationships that persist beyond their undergraduate time at Mount. 我的学生就像我的家人, and I continue to watch where many are going with their lives and careers, 一直在为他们加油!


在芒特,我们真的是一家人. 与学生建立关系是我们的工作! We do our best to support our students and provide them with information, 资源, 机会, 和建议, then celebrate with them when they attain goals and take next steps. I greatly appreciated the personal atmosphere when I was a student at Mount Union and feel very compelled to give back and provide a similar experience for our current and future students. I was a student-athlete at Mount and enjoy supporting our students in both their academic and extracurricular endeavors. 我很高兴成为协和山大家庭的一员!


"Spike protein to ferritin: A scaffolded approach to develop a deeper appreciation of proteins.口头陈述. Biennial Conference on Chemical 教育, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, August 2022.

"More Than Muscles and Chicken: Efforts to Develop a Deeper Appreciation of Proteins.口头陈述. Biennial Conference on Chemical 教育, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN, July 2018.

"Outreach in a GOB course: Nursing Students Teach the 化学 of Health.口头陈述. Biennial Conference on Chemical 教育, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO, August 2016.