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Michael Border
Michael Border

Michael Border ’11 D.D.S.

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Without question, Mount's greatest strength is its ability to provide students with incredible faculty mentors. 芒特大学的班级规模较小,学生在选择最符合自己兴趣的专业课程时具有更大的灵活性, Mount Union促进了学生与教师的配对,他们可以在个人层面上真正与学生建立联系.


B.S. Biochemistry

口腔颌面外科医生涵盖了广泛的矫正和美容手术,包括头颈部癌症, corrective jaw surgery, cleft lip/palate and craniofacial surgery, treatment of traumatic facial injury, facial cosmetic surgery, dental implant placement and wisdom tooth removal.

Why Mount Union

From the moment I stepped onto Mount’s campus, I was struck with the sincerity of the faculty and administration, as well as their collective investment in the growth and maturation of each student. 我一直在寻找一个校园社区,能够为我提供工具和机会,让我作为一名学生探索我的潜力和挑战自己, and Mount truly surpassed those expectations. Whether it was one-on-one interactions with my faculty mentors, 在我的许多研讨会课程中进行小组讨论,或与访问讲师就各自领域当前面临的问题进行交谈, Mount never ceased to broaden my perspective and foster my maturation as a student.

Faculty Mentors

Without question, Mount’s greatest strength is its ability to provide students with incredible faculty mentors. 芒特大学的班级规模较小,学生在选择最符合自己兴趣的专业课程时具有更大的灵活性, Mount Union促进了学生与教师的配对,他们可以在个人层面上真正与学生建立联系. 正是这种学生与他们的导师之间更大的联系,有助于巩固师徒关系, ultimately, proves invaluable. The greatest aspect of these mentors is the depth and breadth of Mount’s faculty members, who not only serve as a phenomenal example for students in terms of career interests and academic pursuits, but also provide students with such sincere examples of true leadership and service.

Favorite Professors

From my first day on campus, Drs. Jeffrey Draves, Debra Boyd-Kimball and Scott Mason quickly emerged as lasting mentors for me during my time at Mount. Dr. Draves remained a continual source of encouragement and challenged me as a student, helping me to establish independent research efforts while facilitating my career pursuits. Dr. 作为一名生物化学专业的学生,博伊德-金博尔是我的重要导师,他接纳了我永不满足的好奇心, allowing me the latitude to drive my senior thesis in a more medically based direction. Finally, Dr. 梅森是我的“前健康”顾问,他不断地为我创造机会,增加我在医学领域的接触,为我进入牙科学校做准备. Ultimately, these three faculty members became such an integral part of my success at Mount, and I continue to think of them, and the invaluable wisdom they passed along, each day as I progress in my career.

Dental School

Immediately following the completion of my bachelor’s degree, 我开始在俄亥俄州立大学牙科学院口腔病理与放射学系做学生研究员. That fall, I then began my dental training at Ohio State to obtain my D.D.S.


I had two internships during my time at Mount Union. The summer after my sophomore year, 作为美国国家科学基金会本科生研究经历项目(REU)的一部分,我在纽约大学完成了一项研究实习. During my internship, 我和研究人员一起致力于开发和测试用于骨缺损修复的外科支架的3d打印技术. Dr. Draves非常有影响力地为我争取到这个研究机会,并为我的实习申请编写了推荐信.

我的第二次实习是在大三结束后的那个夏天完成的,当时我在北卡罗来纳大学牙科学院担任研究员. During this experience, 我与一组研究人员合作,评估唾液生物标志物在监测2型糖尿病患者血糖方面的可行性. Dr. Boyd-Kimball是我获得这项研究实习的重要组成部分,并鼓励我进一步发展这项研究,作为我的毕业论文的基础.

Campus Involvement

During my time at Mount, I was involved in Alpha Lambda Delta, American Chemical Society, Pre-Health Professions Club, Sophomore Service, Blue Key National Honor Society, Student Senate and Raider Relief. I served as the president of Sophomore Service and Blue Key, while also serving as the president of the Class of 2011. During our time at Mount Union, I worked with Jay Carpenter ’10 and Mark McConnell, professor of marketing, to form the Raider Relief organization.

Continued Education

I received a Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from The Ohio State University in May of 2015. 我已经开始在范德比尔特大学医学中心接受住院医师培训,以获得医学博士学位以及口腔颌面外科证书.

Solid Background

离开蒙特学院时,我充满信心,我所获得的生物化学和医学预科背景将使我在下一个阶段表现出色, 但正是由于文科教育,我接触了更多的其他领域,才真正证明了我从芒特大学毕业后所取得的成功. 联合山教会了我比我想象中更多的东西,让我明白什么是真正有效的领导者,以及必须把重点放在为我的学术领域和社区服务上. 作为一名临床医生,这些生活经验对我的影响非常大,因为我每天都要和病人打交道, working to relate to them in an effort to provide the highest quality of care possible. 

Lasting Friendships

Above all else, I value the friends that I made during my time at Mount. These friends have truly become more like family as we thrive on opportunities to spend time together. 当我们看着彼此继续追求自己的职业抱负时,芒特大学的朋友们一直给予我们支持和鼓励. 没有什么比看到我在蒙特大学结交的朋友们所取得的令人难以置信的成就和成功更让我高兴的了. It remains a testament to Mount’s mission “to prepare students for fulfilling lives, meaningful work and responsible citizenship.”

Staying Connected

作为一名威尼斯人app下载,我很幸运地与整个州和全国的医疗保健领域的执行董事会成员和威尼斯人app下载建立了许多交流机会,以保持与Mount Union的联系. Additionally, the fantastic resources distributed by the University, such as the Mount Union Magazine and other online resources, are very helpful in maintaining a strong connection with recent University updates and developments.

Life Goal

I would really love to establish an initiative that can have a lasting impact within the community. Whether it is in the form of a community outreach program or a more global missions effort, I truly feel a calling to give back and pay forward the incredible blessings that have come my way. Far too often, I think it’s easy to lose track of our purest motivations as our lives become more and more chaotic. 我在芒特的教育帮助我更充分地欣赏在我的进步中不可或缺的礼物和祝福, 因此,我觉得我有责任继续关注那些需要帮助的人,我们可以无可辩驳地改变他们的生活. 当我开始我职业生涯的下一个阶段,努力弄清楚我能产生如此持久影响的方法, I remain anxious for the opportunity to collaborate with other individuals across the country, especially Mount Union alumni, to pull from their vast expertise, resources and passions.

Good Investment

我在芒特大学的教育被证明是一项了不起的投资,因为它把我塑造成了今天的领导者和临床医生. The faculty at Mount truly pushed me to take nothing at face value, and always ask the invaluable “Why?“我认为,我在芒特大学所受的教育所强调的好奇心和干劲,已被证明是最有价值的,因为它涵盖了你生活的方方面面. The lessons and wisdom I gained at Mount were not just applicable to my professional development, 他们帮助我成熟起来,成长为一个公民,教我的老师希望我和我的同学成为这样的人.

Favorite Part of My Job

The patients. I have the opportunity to enjoy a career that allows me to have an impact on their lives. 我永远感激Mount Union为我的职业生涯奠定的核心基础,让我走到今天这一步, allowing me to provide the highest quality of care for my patients each day.

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