


I started out as a communications major because I love people and I figured it was a super practical and useful degree that I could use anywhere, and then when I took my first psychology class I realized I needed to learn more. 心理学对我很有吸引力.






I knew of a couple of my high school teachers went to Mount Union, including my volleyball coach. Mount Union was the last campus I visited out of the few that I looked into, and before my visit I didn’t know if I was going to go to school at all because I disliked them so much. Mount Union’s campus was the only one I felt comfortable enough on to envision myself being a student there. 我获得了创始人奖学金, 如果我没有得到任何奖学金, I don’t know if I would have been able to attend Mount Union. I could’ve gone to different schools for a lot less, but the trade-off was totally worth it.


My favorite thing about Mount Union is definitely the people. It’s such a tight-knit and welcoming community, and I think that’s why the friendships are so great. 在这里,连陌生人都关心你. You could ask anyone on campus to help you and if they didn’t know how, 他们至少会给你介绍一个能帮你的人. I would say the two people who helped me the most were my roommate Sam, 我在预演中遇到的那个人, 我的大, Sarayah. Sam and I have been on this journey together since day one, and at the beginning we actually had a really hard time making friends and adjusting to college, but after we went through recruitment and joined sororities, 事情变得更好了. 虽然我当时并不知道, Delta Sigma Tau brought me one of the most important relationships I’ll make in my time here. My big Sarayah loved and accepted me for who I was since the very first night I met her and she’s helped me through so much. 没有他们,我走不了这么远.


走出你的舒适区 & do things that scare you - like moving away and going to a new school where you don’t know anybody. 参与. The easiest way to grow as a person is to do things that scare you. One more cliché but true statement – you get out what you put in. 无论是在学校, 希腊的生活, 体育运动, 不管是什么, 你投入的工作和努力越多, 你拿走的就越多.


I started out as a communications major because I love people and I figured it was a super practical and useful degree that I could use anywhere, and then when I took my first psychology class I realized I needed to learn more. 心理学对我很有吸引力. I love learning and understanding what makes people do the things they do. It’s a field that’s constantly changing and discovering new things and I think it’s super exciting. 我喜欢我的两个专业!


Although I haven’t yet studied abroad or had an internship, 我可以做一些很酷的事情. This past summer I had the opportunity to conduct a study with one of my favorite professors, Dr. J. 她最近搬到了印第安纳州, but we are still working together via Google drive to compile the results! I also decided to participate in an assistantship through the psychology program where I help Dr. Knepp with his research by running tests on subjects in exchange for credits. Everything that I’ve participated in has helped me grow into such a more confident, 全面发展的人.


Because of the Integrative Core, I am a much better speaker and writer. 上大学的时候,我从来没有写过实验报告, 正式的研究论文, 甚至是演讲. In such a short amount of time I went from freaking out about giving speeches to feeling comfortable speaking extemporaneously. 我现在也会用一些大词,比如临时的. Also I took a creative writing class as my fine arts credit and it actually made me question a minor. 下课后我还开始写诗.


The class I found most interesting is probably the psychology of prejudice and power. I took it last semester and it made me realize a lot of things that happen in this world. I tell people I wish it were required for every human to take. I’m in abnormal psychology now, and there’s a good chance it could be my favorite.


I don’t know exactly what I want to be yet, but I do know that I am definitely in the right majors. Sometimes I daydream about being some sort of psychologist conducting research and making some sort of important discovery, 甚至成为一名教授. I want to contribute to the world of research and find a career that is meaningful and helpful to people and society.